The divorce rate for every 1,000 Emiratis has dropped from 3.76 in 2016 to 2.44 in 2019
Divorce rates have fallen in the last four years in Dubai according to a recent survey conducted by the Community Development Authority in Dubai (CDA) in collaboration with the Dubai Statistics Centre and the Dubai Courts.
The survey revealed a 35 per cent decrease in divorce cases in the emirate between 2016 to 2019. Divorce rate for every 1,000 Emiratis has dropped from 3.76 in 2016 to 2.44 in 2019, covering all cases where one or both partners are Emiratis.
The report included all marriages and divorces that were registered in Dubai Courts over the four-year period. It also highlighted the positive insights received in the move to drive in a reduction in divorce rates over the last four years – a 33.5 per cent drop in the net divorce rate for married couples, 7.95 in 2019 as compared to the 11.95 posted in 2016.
“Over the last few years, we have researched on the best way to measure divorce rates – trying to determine the closest and best global results that can be utilised in making key decisions related to family stability. We expect the results of this report to be accurate, especially as it deals with a variety of statistical factors and approved by global institutions,” said Huraiz Al Mur Bin Huraiz, CEO of the social care and development sector at the CDA.
He added that the results of the study will be used to develop plans and strategies aimed towards enhancing family stability.
Marriages also slow down
Meanwhile, the report also revealed a 17 per cent decrease in marriage rates from 9.47 in 2019 as compared to the 11.47 that was recorded in 2016, where both parties were Emiratis or at least one of the partners was Emirati.
“The reduction in marriage rates by 17 per cent is something that we should take in seriously. This is because we are still a young country and have a large percentage of young people of marrying age. In line with this, the CDA remains steadfast in its commitment to work closely with its partners in the move to develop plans that seek to increase awareness on the repercussions of early marriages and to support those coming to marriage to increase this percentage rates,” said Bin Huraiz.