Coronavirus: Saudi announces extra border precautionary measures.


Safety measures are to be taken against people, who have visited countries infected by coronavirus.

An official source, at the Ministry of Interior, announced that highly measures are to be taken against people, who have visited countries infected by coronavirus (Covid-19).

In a statement, the official source said that given the measures implemented for dealing with people who have visited countries infected with Coronavirus, additional measures are to be taken to limit such people entry into the Kingdom.

In this regard, the concerned authorities have issued the following decisions:


Security agencies will coordinate with their counterparts, in GCC member states, in regard of entering into the Kingdom by those who have been traveling outside the infected countries, as following:

1- If anyone wants to enter the Kingdom provided that he is a Saudi national or a resident, then the Saudi authorities shall be notified, at the crossing point, according to the mechanism agreed upon by both sides, that he/she was coming to that GCC country from abroad, within the past 14 days and naming the country to which he has travelled to.

2- If any GCC state citizen or a resident there wants to enter into the Kingdom, he/she shall not be allowed to enter the Kingdom, except after passing of 14 consecutive days, following returning from that country, with naming the country to which he has traveled to and being reassured that he has not shown any symptoms of carrying the virus.


The security agencies in the Kingdom shall coordinate with any GCC member state, seeking to apply the same procedures, on those coming into it from the Kingdom.

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